Thursday, February 5, 2009

Blogging Party!!

Hey people in my web group and all others that read this! Pass this along, Abbey and myself were thinking of setting a blog party time at the couches in the SPHC. Tuesday at 11am in between classes! We were thinking that all people who want to or need help blogging could meet and help each other out! Just a suggestion! We also thought to make this more fun we could bring a small snack to pass! If no one else shows up thats totally fine but we'll be there!:) This just when and if you can make it not a commitment thing! Suggestions welcome!:)

Bring your computer
and we'll have a blogging good time!
Abbey and Ingrid

It's not easy to be Green."-Kermit


  1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! You too are so great! Count me in....
    I will be providing a little snack...

  2. Sounds like fun! I might have to come and snack with you guys =D

  3. Ingrid... go to gadgets...go to the fun and games column on the right .... scroll down .... and find the "walking frog" gadget and add it to your blog!!:) Thanks for posting the blog party invite as well!:)

  4. Good idea! Too bad I work.. :/
