After reading Feeding the World I was shocked to find out that the Earth's population surpassed 6 billion people in 1999!! So that could even be more now! Just think of how many mouths that is to feed in a year with 3 meals a day...that got my head spinning. Which brought up a good point with there not being enough space for food supply. Because you have to factor in the space needed for all the people to live and space for stores to buy the food and make it and so and so...you get the picture, not enough room for everything to fit. The reading covers: Society's Four Transitional Stages, Evidence for Negative Population Growth, Future Food Supply/Demand Balance, Protecting the Environment, and The Challenges Ahead.
Society's Four Transitional Stages:
This section discusses the four transitions of societies based on demographics, economics, agricultural productivity, and technological advancements. The first stage is the traditional society, which has low population density and low economic and population growth. The second stage is the developing stage, this is where agricultural production and plat and animal domestication are an outcome of a society's technological advancements. The third stage is a developed society, which is where the economic surplus and increases in capital and per capita income begin as a outcome of increases in agricultural production and productivity. The fourth stage is the mature society, which is the prominent technological change beyond just agriculture. Each stage talked about how society is moving up toward higher food production and technological output, lower death rates, and investments in education and science.
Evidence for Negative Population Growth:
This section discusses the stats that deals with various population projections around that world. The United Nations' medium population projection of 2.1 children after 2040 is widely used as a demographic forecast, but it unrealistically assumes that this rate will be the same in both developed and developing countries (McKinney, 56). I thought that it was already at that average these days to have 2 children.
Future Food Supply/Demand Balance:
This section discusses the future demand for food will pass our food supply. It is kind of hard to think of happening since we have all these food places around us. Right off hand I can think of 10 places to go and eat and all in like walking distance from my own house and that is not including grocery stores! Being an American we are really lucky that we have all these advantages to get our food now. What would we do with out our McDonald's...and other fast food places??
Protecting the Environment:
This section discusses the benfits of being more green and what to do to take care of our world. It really went into talking about on how the more people there are the more land we need to clear which means less natural habitats. Which all makes perfect sense but what are we as Americans doing to help with this problem?
The Challenges Ahead:
This section just recaps the whole reading stating that if we want our resources to still be there we need to do something about our population control and how we use/dispose of our products. It is really sad that we are this technological advance country and we still don't use our resources wisely.
My Views:
I think that us as Americans have relied on other countries and other people too much. We need to start looking at what we have here in the US and focus a little bit more on the problems that are happening here. We put so much of our resources into out of country things we lose site of what we have here. If we can figure out on how to help our selves we can then go about helping others as well.
Demographics= selected population characteristics as used in government, marketing or opinion research, or the demographic profiles used in such research
Agricultural Productivity= is measured as the ratio of agricultural outputs to agricultural inputs
Economics= is the social science that studies the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services
Developed Countries= is used to describe countries that have a high level of development according to some criteria
Developing Countries= is a country that has low standards of democratic governments, industrialization, social programs, and human rights guarantees for its citizens
Population Growth= is the change in population over time, and can be quantified as the change in the number of individuals in a population using "per unit time" for measurement
Technical Advancements= is a broad concept that deals with an animal species' usage and knowledge of tools and crafts, and how it affects an animal species' ability to control and adapt to its environment
Additional Resource:
After reading the article I went to where this was originally published to see if they had anything more say about the topic and I found an article that caught my eye and thought that you should maybe check it out... The Futurist
ReplyDeleteI thought you post was very well put together. You provided headings that made it organized and easy to follow. I agree with you in that we are very lucky for what we have. I can't imagine what is headed our way if we don't make some changes. I thought your picture was amazing!! It really shows what damages we are making to our planet. Great post!
Ingrid - I never really thought about how much we've relied on other countries to support us before... good point! It'd be interesting to look up the materials we import and then see if it'd be possible to grow those in our own country rather than rely on someone else! But then again, do we have the space? :)
ReplyDeleteGreat post! I agree that it is shocking to hear that the population has reached 6 billion! And to think that it's only going up from here! We definitely need to do something and soon, because the resources are only going to get less and less available. You had a lot of great terms that I definitely did not know what they meant! Good job :)
Hey Ingrid!
ReplyDeleteI really like how you said "if we can figure out how to help ourselves, we can then go about helping others as well." It seems like we as Americans always seem to get ourselves into situations we can't handle. It is also sad that we are so advanced compared to other places yet we don't take the environment into much consideration. Good post, and good terms list!
Ingrid- I agree with you that we need to start focusing on the problems that we have here. Your post is very organized and easy to read, good job!
ReplyDeleteGreat review Ingrid! I agree with you a lot this reading made my head spin too! 6 billion people 9 years ago? CRAZY I liked how you added key terms with their definitions at the end of your post, it was really helpful! We need to start taking the things we do into cinsideration every day, I cant imagine what it would be like if we ran out of the resources we take for granted, its scary. You made some really good points good work!
Ingrid! Good job on this review! I loved the layout and you have a very fun froggy blog! I didn't realize how much we rely on other countries for resources till this article. I hope Obama can come up with jobs for Americans so we can make our own resources and rely less on other countries. Also, I hope that with the extra jobs the concern will be focused on the US and after we've fixed what we can here then we will be able to help other countries. =)
ReplyDeleteI like your picture, sometimes we use our planet like a speed-bump. I also agree that we need to take care of our own problems before we try fixing the world. We as a nation would then be in a better (stronger) position to help others. Pretty startling information in regards to the population Good post!
ReplyDeleteI agreed with you when you said that we have so much to worry about in our own country, why are we spending so much time in other countires figuring stuff out. Especially stuff that doesn't necessarily make the world a better place. It isn't easy balance everything in this world, but it should be.
I think you did a great job reviewing the article. I actually laughed out loud TWICE while viewing this post:
1. The picture at the top with the caption "What was that bump?"
2. The first paragraph when you say, "Thats so many mouths to feed!", I could just hear you saying that! --S
ReplyDeletegreat picture, it really shows us how sometimes people in this world including us forget about the environment!
Ah, it is crazy to think about all the people in the world eating everyday and you have to ask yourself, do we have enough food?
As discussed in class, I wonder what stage we are in! Maybe the 3rd stage because we are a developed country. Yeah I agree this reading was unrealisticially telling us about underdeveloped countries when it comes to population projections.
I agree, we do depend on a lot of other countries, I hope we can figure out ways to help ourselves!! Or even others who are less fortunate than us.
Good review! Great insight on everything! Later!
I agree that the U.S. needs to shape up and start dealing with our problems. We have procrastinated long enough! I think that a change in mindset is slowly sweeping through our population and causing people to become more environmentally conscious, but it seems to be going rather slowly. It's up to our generation to support the green movement by bringing new ideas to the table and serving as good role models!
ReplyDeleteGreat picture, it goes well with the article. I agree with what you said about the US needing to focus on the problems here. I dont think its a bad thing that we are helping other countries but we have to spend more time focusing on ourselves so then we continue to help others in the future.
Very nice job, Ingrid. I agree with you that we as a country need to focus on ourselves in the area of these problems we currently have. And in turn we will then be better able to help other countries succeed. Thank you for the definitions at the end of you post, helps to clear some things up :) Good work Ingrid!
ReplyDeleteHey Ingrid,
ReplyDeleteThat's a cool picture you found. It goes well with what the population is doing to our planet. The continue increase in our numbers is making a very noticeable path on our planets resources. Almost like the tire mark. Nice job on the post!
Ingrid, whoa you go girl! great post! and you were stressing about it what... GOOD Job, loved the photo and the content was really great, i agree that i was shocked when I thought about putting 3 meals a day on the table for 6 billion people! Granted that was in 99 also! You did a great job breaking down the four stages and presenting them for us along with the defined terms! good job girl keep it up!:!:)
ReplyDeleteGood job organizing your posts Ingrid! Good job on the 4 stages and really making it interesting to read. The defined terms really helped me to know where the reading was coming from. I had a little bit of a hard time reading this section but then reading posts like yours puts it in a better way for me to understand it. Thanks and good job!
ReplyDeleteGreat Review! I really liked how organized and informative your review was, I got a ton of info out of it. I agree with your views on how we are so focused on ourselves that we forget that there is more out there then just us. Great pic by the way.
ReplyDeleteFirst off, great job on your first reading review...it looks AWESOME! I like how you challenged me to think of how many mouths we feed for three meals a day...MIND BOGGLING! Also, great job on getting to the source of the article and providing the link as your additional resource!
Hi Ing! Great post and I love your picture! Your definitions were helpful and you provided some great points!
ReplyDeleteGreat post! I really loved your introductory post! You began by telling that the population was over 6 billion in 1999, and the population is even more now. You continued by saying.."Just think of how many mouths that is to feed in a year with 3 meals a day." That and that really put the food crisis into perspective.
ReplyDeleteIt is amazing how our world population is growing so fast. 6 billion people currently and it will rise by 2 billion in 40 years. thats a lot of people.
ReplyDeleteI hope we do not get caught by over crowding and having a lack of food supply for the demand. We already have that in many African countries by lack of farmland, and un-ruly gangsters controlling the food supple.
I like the way my life is right now at the moment. I can grab a plethra of food on the shelves at the grocery store, I could not imagine a life where i am limited to how much food I can take home with me.